the blog

By Desirae Trammell, APCC Still Waters Therapy As a member of the BIPOC community and a therapist, I have witnessed firsthand the unique challenges and experiences we face due to systemic racism and historical injustices. The term BIPOC, which stands for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, has gained traction in recent years to emphasize […]


Jul 3

Understanding BIPOC and the Importance of Mental Health in Our Community

This past week, I noticed an increase in anxious responses to the coronavirus. While much ofwhat is going on in our local, state, and the federal government is for public safety, it is importantto have some tangible tools in place in this time of a global pandemic.School closures, professional athletic teams suspending play, concerts canceled, […]


Aug 11

Managing Anxiety About The Coronavirus

Over the past few weeks, I’ve seen an increase of news reports stating that we are nowexperiencing a new type of pandemic. It is the “Pandemic of the Unvaccinated.” The decision tovaccinate against the COVID-19 virus for many has been a hotly debated one. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention “CDC” new cases […]


Aug 11